Charles Criner has been a resident artist at The Printing Museum for nearly two decades. In addition to working in the studio, Charles leads the weekly guided tours for children and adults. He is also available to speak about his work at schools, senior centers, and other community organizations.
Charles is the kind of artist who likes to “exhaust” the medium. He “pulls” his prints in black and white, then in color, and may add acrylic over the print to produce original paintings on paper. He, however, is also parsimonious, or rather, enjoys the limitations of using only three colors and no more to make his prints. He is furthermore the kind of artist/craftsman who prizes the concrete relationship between himself and his work. Charles always pulls prints himself, never letting other professional printers do this for him. Charles’ works have strong narrative content. His images tell a story that the artist wants viewers to comprehend easily. The story is woven out of his immediate, personal experiences—or more exactly, his recollections of those experiences in his memory—some distant and others more immediate, but in either case, they are very close and familiar to the artist.
To learn more about Charles’ work, visit:
Kathy Gurwell is the resident artist in the papermaking studio and has years of experience in the fields of paper and printing, beginning with her graphic arts study in Paris and continuing as a Curator Fellow at Tamarind Lithography Institute in Albuquerque, NM, and most recently at the Museo della Carta in Fabriano, Italy. She has demonstrated papermaking in San Francisco, Santa Fe, and Houston, where she now lives. Her artistry in this field was recognized a few years ago when Lord & Taylor invited her to display and sell her products at a show of Santa Fe artists in their principal New York City store. More recently she was commissioned to make a 40 x 40 in. piece of paper for the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft.
To learn more about Kathy’s work, visit: