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Introduction to Modern Book Collecting

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

This three hour course will introduce book lovers, including readers and those who appreciate books as physical objects, to the fascinating and addictive pursuit of what has been called “the best indoor sport.” For those with an interest in starting or expanding a book collection we will discuss the means and methods of book collecting, […]


Advanced Topics in Book Collecting

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

This three hour course will go “beyond the basics” of the world of book collecting. If you have taken the Introduction to Modern Book Collecting or you are already a more advanced collector, this course will cover additional advanced topics concerning collecting. These will include the use of bibliographies and other research tools to investigate […]


Introduction to Linocuts

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

Learn the basics of cutting a linoleum block and printing on the Vandercook proof press. During the first meeting on Tuesday evening, students will be introduced to the techniques of image transfer and the tools and materials for cutting the blocks. Students will participate in the methods with hands-on exercises, and at the end of […]


Holiday Pop Up Cards

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

Learn Paper Engineering! Create holiday themed Pop-Up Cards, while learning basic techniques, terms, and a foundation for creative exploration. Each student will make three cards using a variety of techniques. Cost:  $55 (includes materials) Dates:  Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 6:00pm to 9:00pm Please note that Museum Members receive 10% off the price of tuition. Advanced […]


Flag Book

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

This sculptural book structure is created by artist Hedi Kyle and is based on the accordion fold. It has flags alternating back and forth. There are multiple ways to design the flags. Displaying individual images on each flag, writing text, or incorporating one large image displayed across all the flags are just some of the […]


Digital Letterpress

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

Learn the fundamentals of letterpress printing using photopolymer plates. During the first class students will receive a brief introduction to the letterpress print process and learn the basics of print production for photopolymer platemaking using the Adobe Creative Suite. Instruction will be provided on best design practices for letterpress printing, file prep, and how to […]


Paper Marbling

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

Remember the beautiful, multicolored patterned papers you often see in the covers of old books?  You can learn to make them yourself in this one-day workshop. We will learn many of the traditional patterns, such as the Stone marble, Get Gel, Nonpareil, Peacock, Feather, French curl, Spanish wave, and more. We will learn proper use […]


Letterpress Notecards and Handmade Envelopes

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

Learn the basics of letterpress printing on a tabletop press while creating a set of notecards. Far smaller than a Vandercook proof press, these upright presses are great for printing cards or small invitations. Students will have a selection of artwork and a variety of papers from which to choose. Templates for handmade envelopes will […]


Hard Cover Accordion Book

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

In this workshop you'll learn how to construct a hardcover accordion-style book based on Hedi Kyle's non-adhesive cover design. Students will be guided through the unique process of preparing an accordion text block as well as assembling fully covered boards without the help of adhesive! This unique structure includes a removable spine piece which allows […]


Clamshell Box Making

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX, United States

We will learn how to create a clamshell box to house a book, documents or photos. We will begin with a precut clamshell layout, put it together with instruction, using book cloth and decorative paper. We will learn grain direction, cutting and gluing techniques. We will learn how to measure your book and cut board […]
