Houston, Texas 77019
(South of Allen Parkway between Waugh Drive and Montrose Blvd.)
Tel: (713) 522-4652
Donating Art, Objects, or Equipment
If you have art, objects, or equipment you wish to be considered by the museum for acquisition, please do not ship, send, or bring items to the museum. We ask that you complete a donation information form; inquiries in person or by telephone can not be considered.
- The Museum follows a policy of selective acquisition. Each donation request is thoughtfully considered to determine if the gift is in line with the specific criteria for the acquisition and acceptance of donations; any object accepted into the Museum’s collection should be consistent with the institution’s mission, be relevant, and be properly cared for.
- You must have clear title to or authority to donate the object under consideration.
- You should provide as much information about the object as possible, including but not limited to provenance, dimensions, condition, photos.
The Printing Museum Staff
Brian Hodge
, Executive Director
Charles Criner
, Master Printer
David Kidd
, Facilities Manager
Debs Ramser
, Patron Services Manager
Adrianne O'Donnell
, Education Programs Manager
Norma Skarich
, Registrar
Jessica Snow
, Studio Manager