The Printing Museum is pleased to announce our artist residency program for Spring 2021. We are inviting artists of any creative discipline to apply for a residency with the opportunity to use our book arts studios — papermaking, letterpress, and bookbindery — to create works of art or as an integral part of their artistic practice. The residency lasts four months, and while artists are not required to live in the Houston area, they are expected to spend significant time in the studios gaining skills and producing work.

Applications are open December 15, 2020 – January 15, 2021.


The Printing Museum will host two artists for a four-month residency between February and May 2021. Benefits include:

  • Materials Stipend: $500
  • Private tutorials scholarship: $420 value
  • Studio Membership: $510 value
    Includes after-hours access to TPM’s letterpress, papermaking, and bookbinding studios
  • Storage space for supplies and consumables
  • Exhibit opportunities
  • Profiles in TPM print and online communications


Artists-in-residence are expected to:

  • Work independently in the TPM studios
  • Produce a cohesive body of work
  • Lead a public (virtual/in-person) artist talk
  • Maintain a safe and clean working area
  • Volunteer four (4) hours a month


Applicants must be actively engaged in any artistic practice with an interest in book arts (papermaking, printmaking, letterpress, bookbinding). Artists are expected to spend significant time in the studios gaining skills and producing a cohesive body of work. Houston residency is not required.

Applicants must submit the following:

  • Artist resume (3 page maximum)
  • Artist statement or bio (approx. 300 word maximum)
  • Project proposal (approx. 500 word maximum). Applicants are required to submit a realistic proposal that demonstrates their vision and how they will utilize TPM studios and equipment.
  • Five image samples. Applicants are required to submit no more than five (5) image samples. The maximum file size is 10MB.


January 15, 2021


The artist studios at The Printing Museum are well equipped with contemporary and vintage printing and bookbinding equipment and tools. They include: four Vandercook presses, multiple manual platen presses, an extensive collection of wood and metal type, guillotine cutters, board shears, papermaking equipment, and much more!

*Artists are not expected to have extensive studio experience. That’s why we are offering up to 12 hours of private tutorials with our resident artists and instructors. Please be mindful to allocate sufficient time to be trained AND to execute your project when drafting your proposal.


A jury of TPM staff and resident artists will select the artists for the residency. Applicants are evaluated and selected based on the quality of the work submitted, with the most weight given to the project proposal and work samples. Artists with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and lived experiences are strongly encouraged to apply. Selected artists will be notified no later than January 29.

Alumni Artists-In-Residence

Fall 2020

  • Kill Joy – printmaker
  • Shavon Morris – designer/stationer
  • Caroline Roberts – photographer
  • Jimmy Van Luu – designer/educator

Artists Talk: Friday February 12th, 2021, at 12pm (CST). Register »

Spring 2021

  • Diego Canales – zine artist
  • Melinda Laszczynsky – interdisciplinary artist
  • Jennifer Thompson – artist/designer