“Change up your lesson plans with printmaking!” 

Travel trunks are a way for K-12 or homeschooling teachers to bring printing into the classroom in a way that aligns with educational curriculums.  Each trunk includes educational materials, a lesson plan, and materials for a hands-on activity.   

Travel Trunk Themes

The Texas History Travel Trunk discusses Texas history before the Texas Revolution and during the period of the Republic of Texas and how printing played a part in it.  Learn about how Texas went from Spanish to Mexican rule to an independent republic through the life of industrious printer Samuel Bangs and the documents he printed.  Students can learn about the role of the printing press in Texas’ early days and see how printed artifacts and artwork deliver rich snapshots of pivotal moments in Texas history. These Travel Trunks include everything educators need to run a Texas History class for up to 50 students.

How Does It Work? 

We offer Travel Trunks for 4th and 7th Grade. To borrow a travel trunk for your school/class, make a reservation with us and then you can pick up the travel trunk at the Printing Museum (3121 San Jacinto Street). The trunks are reserved for two weeks at a time. Interested educators should reach out to The Printing Museum at tours@printingmuseum.org or call 713-522-4652 to reserve the trunks.

The rental period is two weeks starting at the time when the trunk is picked up. After two weeks, the educator must return the travel trunks to the Printing Museum. You will receive an email reminder one week before and 3 days before the box is to be returned to the museum. If the box is returned late, there will be a $30.00 late fee.

Have Questions?

For more information on this or other educator resources, please email tours@printingmuseum.org, call 713-522-4652.