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The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston

Directed by David Loeb Weiss(1980, PG, 30 min.) The 1980 film by Carl Schlesinger and David Loeb Weiss shows the remarkable nightly production process for a daily newspaper and the changes to come with the transition computers.  The title ‘etaoin shrdlu’ refers the words made by the letters of the first two columns of a […]


Creating with Colored Pulp: Paint with Paper!

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston

Combine the artistry of handmaking paper with painting! In this unique workshop, you will learn how to pull your own sheets of paper and then use colored pulp to “paint” into the surface of your sheet. No drawing or painting skills necessary. This class will cover various pulp painting techniques, including stencils, collage inclusions, and […]


Linotype: The Film

The Printing Museum 3121 San Jacinto St., Houston

Directed by Douglas Wilson(2012, PG, 76 min.) Linotype: The Film tells the charming and emotional story of the people connected to the type-casting machine that Thomas Edison called the "Eighth Wonder of the World."   Free with Museum admission. General admission is free for members. Become a member today!
