This is a NEW feature letterpress workshop! No prior letterpress experience is necessary for registration. Participants will compose a type and image map to be created using only the materials already available in the studio, from type cases to furniture, and reglet as image. Participants will type set in wood and metal type on a letter size sheet of paper the cities/states where they have traveled. They will then overlay an abstract map of their city, using furniture and reglet set on quarter inch board to raise to type high and use the grain of the wood to embellish the image. Each participant would get a set of prints to take with them as a documentation of the experience. This collaborative map reflects the participants locations and diversity. The studio project is to produce type and image of each individual and explore different media, bringing the class together in a group project that speaks of the participants’ diversity. Note: Participants will be printing with instructor’s furniture and reglets; printing with museum furniture and reglets is stricktly prohibited.
Cost: $65 (includes materials)
Dates: Saturday, February 27th 2016; 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Please note that Museum Members receive 10% off the price of tuition. Advanced registration is required. Please call (713) 522-4652 to register.